Our mission is to improve the quality of life of marginalised and hard to reach communities living in areas of multiple deprivation by setting up initiatives and supporting projects to develop communities to help themselves.

The concept of helping others to help themselves is far from new. It was exemplified in ancient times in the Chinese proverb: “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” Ancient it may be, but it is as true today as ever.

Paramount to our approach is to address the barriers to good quality of life- worklessness, social exclusion, ill health, and educational underachievement. 

There are five core work streams in line with this philosophy that guide us:

·         develop targeted provisions for dissatisfied and vulnerable young people to prevent criminality, anti social behaviour and drug/alcohol abuse.

·         encourage civic participation, engagement and volunteering of marginalised and hard to reach communities.

·         establish community cohesion and tolerance within marginalised and hard to reach communities and between them and other communities.

·         promote Healthy living through advice, information and encouragement to become active and live healthy.

·         Provide education and training to up skill people who have not benefitted from mainstream education.


Community Foundation management, staff and volunteers are united by a common set of values.

Respect & Equality: We value others strengths and abilities and who they are as a person. We maintain relationships and keep confidentiality, upholding professional boundaries. We show courtesy to everyone and strive to provide opportunity to underprivileged segments of society regardless of gender, race, or religion.

Integrity: We value honesty and transparency, and being straightforward and genuine in all our dealings with people. We will treat every person with dignity and respect. We will be sensitive to diversity and difference. We will resolve interpersonal conflicts in a timely and respectful manner. We will promote positive working relationships and a spirit of collegiality.

Cooperation & Partnership: We value the opportunity to work together on common goals and toward a common purpose. We look for opportunities to work collaboratively and in partnership. We recognise and value the strengths and expertise of others and seek to work with them to improve outcomes for all in our community. We make our knowledge, skills and resources available to others, both within and outside our organisation. We value being involved, either as individuals or as a group, in working with others to reach their desired outcomes.

Empowerment: We choose to empower. Instead of simply providing resources, our work focuses on developing in individuals the capacity and confidence they need to change their own situations and assist their communities.

Achievement: We value and recognise when people accomplish something they have set out to do through their skills, practice, perseverance or exertion. We value a willingness to invest time and energy in learning and then using what has been learned in everyday approaches to work. We value completing what we set out to do, adding value to and making a tangible difference to our community and work. 

Commitment: We value following through on decisions and promises we make – we do what we say. We are enthusiastic about bringing our energy and skills into the workplace. We value determination and persistence in achieving our goals. We celebrate when we overcome obstacles. 

Community Outreach: We engage with our communities. We do not work in isolation. We practice our problem-solving abilities, share our knowledge, and give of our time and resources to make concrete positive contributions to our communities. 

Creativity: We value dreaming of what’s possible! We value and look for innovative and different ways to do our work more effectively. We value imagination, experimentation, and fun in serving our community.

                                                         OUR TRUSTEES



Qualification:   LLB (Hons)

Job:  Barrister Legal Services

Based: Birmingham


Qualification: College

Job: Local Government Officer

Based: Sandwell


Qualification: College

Job: Travel & Tourism

Based: Birmingham



Qualification: College

Job: Restaurateur

Based: Birmingham


Qualification:  BA (Hons)

Job: Third Sector Manager

Based: Kent


Qualification: MSc

Job: Third Sector Manager

Based: London

Mrs MAHERA RUBY                      

MC Position: Member

Qualification: MSc

Job: University Researcher  

Based: London

Mr RAIHAN HUSSAIN                   

Qualification:  College

Job: Fulltime Student

Based: Sandwell



Qualification: College

Job: Local Government Officer

Based: Sandwell



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